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Osonó Annual Review – 2024 in Numbers
2024. december 19., csütörtök
The self-sustaining Osonó Theater Workshop organized 180 cultural, educational, and social events in 2024 across 4 countries, engaging nearly 6,000 participants with an annual budget of €124,500. Of this amount, 93% was sourced from international and Hungarian grants, while income from performances and workshops accounted for 7% of the annual budget.
In the past year, Osonó held 62 performances, 61 interactive audience discussions, 51 workshops, and 6 Erasmus+ projects aimed at training youth and adults. Half of these activities took place in Hungary, while the other half were held in Romania and other international locations.
The production I Am Not, Only Others See Me, based on the writings of József Attila and premiered in 2022, has surpassed its 150th performance. Directed by Misi Fazakas and performed by Oszkár Mucha, this intimate theatrical experiment toured Europe this year and was frequently presented as a classroom performance, an unconventional literature lesson, or in studio theater settings. The production has been showcased in 45 cities across eight countries, and based on the positive feedback, the company plans to bring it to more schools and communities in 2025.
The documentary production As Water Reflects the Face, directed by Misi Fazakas and premiered 13 years ago, is approaching its 650th performance. This year, audiences in Hungary and Transylvania enjoyed the production, which portrays the real stories of young people. Due to high demand, the company will continue to perform it, with new dates planned for spring.
The past year also included several Erasmus+ projects in partnership with the Sepsi Adrenalin Sport Association and the Hungarian Cultural Association of Vojvodina. The Health for a Better Future – Personal Development and Health Awareness in Education project series focused on providing non-formal training to support youth workers and educators. Workshops emphasized self-awareness, healthy lifestyles, and mental-physical balance.
In autumn, Osonó expanded its collaborations, working with the Harghita County Heritage Preservation Resource Center in Székelyudvarhely to deliver numerous performing arts and educational projects in Harghita County. Additionally, its partnership with the KALOT organization in Miercurea Ciuc continued, allowing I Am Not, Only Others See Me to reach several schools in the area.
In 2025, Osonó will begin the year with a performance series in Budapest and a tour in Transylvania. With already secured grant funding, the company anticipates more international and Budapest-based projects. Osonó will continue to build its activities around three key pillars: theater, education, and social projects.
From homelessness to love: A unique literature class where emotions take center stage
2024. december 4., szerda
"This performance was very direct. It was much easier to focus as we sat in a circle, and the actor was among us, delivering the lines directly to us."
Yesterday morning, at the B29 Youth Community Space, we presented our performance titled I Am Not, Only Others See Me, based on József Attila's texts, to the students of Újbuda József Attila High School. This unique literature class, supported by the Municipality of District XI of Budapest, Újbuda, provided the perfect setting to explore the poet's life and texts and reflect on them further.
During the discussion following the performance, deep and meaningful thoughts emerged. The freshness of the poet's texts allowed us to talk about our own feelings and perspectives on life. Topics such as homelessness, searching for purpose, trauma, loneliness, exclusion, lack of love, and the relevance of the emotions and situations described in the texts were discussed.
Thank you for your attention and for sharing your personal reflections!
"True poetry" - A thought-provoking performance for the students of Weiner Leó
2024. november 25., hétfő
"This performance made me think and reflect on myself. It was true poetry. We heard thoughts, and it deeply touched me."
Yesterday, we performed I am not, only others see me, based on the texts of József Attila, twice for the students of the Weiner Leó Catholic Music School and Secondary School of Music. These unique literature classes, supported by the Municipality of Budapest’s 11th District (Újbuda), provided the perfect space for exploring the poet’s life and writings and for deeper reflection. From the very first moments, the students’ attentiveness was evident, and we experienced a genuine encounter through theater. We are grateful for the trust of the school and teachers, the openness of the students, and the thoughts and many questions shared during the post-performance discussion. Topics such as loneliness, parental absence, the search for direction, future vision, love, and its absence were discussed. It was inspiring to see how relevant József Attila’s texts remain for young people today!
"Like an inner monologue": a special evening with József Attila
2024. november 19., kedd
“I really liked how this performance moved these texts beyond recitation, making everything sound like a live speech, an inner monologue, or a thought process being born in the moment.”
On Friday evening, we celebrated the 150th festive performance of I am not, only others see me, based on József Attila’s texts. From the very first moment, the audience’s attention and resonance with the depth of the performance were palpable. During the audience discussion, many topics were addressed: homelessness, searching for one’s path, traumas, loneliness, isolation, and the relevance of the emotions in József Attila’s texts. It was wonderful to discover that through discussing the texts, we were, in fact, speaking about ourselves. We are grateful for the attentive listening, the personal thoughts shared during the discussion after the performance, the joint celebration and toast, as well as the many kind wishes!
Unconventional literature class on the Day of the Hungarian Language: József Attila meets today’s youth
2024. november 11., hétfő
“This performance was very timely, engaging, and personal. Feelings of loneliness, the need to conform, and relationships with parents are all present in our lives.”
On Friday, in celebration of the Day of the Hungarian Language, we presented our performance I am not, only others see me, based on József Attila’s texts, multiple times at the Benedek Elek Pedagogical High School in Székelyudvarhely. These extraordinary literature classes, supported by the Harghita County Heritage Preservation Resource Center, provided an excellent opportunity for students to delve into the poet’s texts. During the discussion following the performance, inspired by the texts heard, students had the chance to speak about themselves and marvel at the continued relevance of József Attila’s poetry. Topics such as poverty, marginalization, exclusion, conformity, and the challenges of the future were discussed. We encountered truly wonderful classes, and many valuable thoughts were shared. Thank you for your engagement, curiosity, and to the Resource Center for organizing the event! We are grateful for these experiences and are confident that we will continue this collaboration!"
Osonó's 150th performance of its production based on Attila József's writings
2024. november 10., vasárnap
The 150th festive performance of the production "I don't exist, only the others see me", based on the texts of Attila József will take place in Budapest at Jurányi House. Since its premiere on 21 February 2022, the theatre company has presented the production in 45 cities of 8 countries, as an extraordinary literature class, classroom or studio theatre performance.
Homelessness and loneliness - A night of emotions and reflections at Tompa17
2024. december 13., péntek
"It was truly amazing to see József Attila portrayed this way! The performance was profound and deeply moving."
Last night, we presented our performance titled I Am Not, Only Others See Me, based on József Attila's writings, at Tompa17. From the very first moment, the audience's attention and resonance with the depths of the performance were palpable. During the post-show discussion, we talked extensively about homelessness, searching for one's path, trauma, loneliness, isolation, and the contemporary relevance of the emotions present in József Attila’s texts. It was wonderful to discover that, through his words, we were essentially talking about ourselves. We are grateful for the attentive audience and the personal thoughts shared during the discussion following the performance. A heartfelt thank you to Tompa17 for hosting us!
The event was made possible with the support of the Municipality of Ferencváros, District IX, Budapest.
Osonó Theatre's next Erasmus+ Youth project in Budapest
2024. november 26., kedd
Osonó Theatre's seventeenth Erasmus+ project will take place in Budapest between 27 November and 1 December. Created in partnership with Adrenalin Sports Association of Sfântu Gheorghe, the Hungarian Cultural Association of Vojvodina and Svung Creative Association of Budapest, the project titled Regional Partnership for the Professional Support of Youth Workers aims to support the work of youth professionals and teachers through diverse, personally and professionally valuable non-formal education. In addition to the transfer of innovative educational methods, the project will also provide an opportunity for participants from Hungary, Romania and Serbia to recharge and connect professionally.
The aim of the also called Youth Workers GO! project is to provide motivated youth workers in the region, who are open to development but also have less access to quality, up-to-date and relevant non-formal education tools, due to geographical isolation, economic disadvantage or ethnic minority status.
A new perspective on poetry: an unconventional literature class with József Attila
2024. november 22., péntek
“The performance was very personal and direct. I was surprised at myself, realizing that I actually like most of these poems. At least the way the actor delivered them.”
Yesterday, at the B29 Youth Community Center, we presented our performance I am not, only others see me, based on József Attila’s texts, for the students of Újbudai József Attila High School. Supported by the Municipality of District XI Újbuda, Budapest, this extraordinary literature class offered students the chance to immerse themselves in the poet’s works. During the discussion following the performance, inspired by the texts, students had the opportunity to talk about themselves and reflect on the contemporary relevance of József Attila’s poetry. Topics like poverty, marginalization, exclusion, conformity, and the challenges of the future were discussed. We are grateful for the attentive listening and the personal thoughts shared during the post-performance conversation!
Hargita County team-building with Osonó
2024. november 12., kedd
“This team-building was truly empowering. It was great to see the strength in this team. It helped us to collaborate even better. And above all, it was great to play together.”
Our company’s two trainers, Misi Fazakas and Oszkár Mucha, conducted workshops for the staff of the Harghita County Heritage Preservation Resource Center. We met an exceptionally good team and wonderful people. Once again, the Miracle, the true Encounter, happened. Together, we could live József Attila's thought: "In vain you bathe yourself, You can only wash your face in others." We could simply and honestly be ourselves. We laughed, played seriously, strengthened one another, delved deep, and connected with our souls and with each other. Thank you for the attentive listening, the joy of personal togetherness, the cooperation, and the trust of Director Izabella Bartalis and her team! We are indescribably grateful! We will continue!
"As if he was here with us": a special evening on the Day of the Hungarian Language
2024. november 11., hétfő
“This performance touched me deeply. I don’t even know if I’ve ever experienced such a profound performance. It stirred me up, held up a mirror. It felt as if József Attila was here with us, speaking his words directly to us.”
On Friday evening, in celebration of the Day of the Hungarian Language, we presented our performance I am not, only others see me, based on József Attila’s texts, in Szentegyháza. The event was organized by the Harghita County Heritage Preservation Resource Center and the Szentegyháza City Hall. From the very first moment, the audience’s attention and resonance with the depth of the performance were palpable. During the audience discussion, many topics were touched upon: homelessness, searching for one’s path, traumas, loneliness, isolation, and the relevance of the emotions in József Attila’s texts. It was a joy to discover that through discussing the texts, we were, in fact, speaking about ourselves. We are grateful for the attentive listening and the personal thoughts shared during the conversation after the performance. Thank you for the invitation and the organization!
Inspiráció és felszabadulás az Osonó Erasmus+ projektjén
2024. november 2., szombat
“Ezt a projektet receptre iratnám fel a pedagógusoknak. Nagy szükségünk van az ilyen programokra. Az öt nap egy lelki megtisztulást adott. Fantasztikus volt a csapat, őszinték, elfogadóak voltunk. Nagyon felszabadított. És nem utolsó sorban sok gyakorlatot ki fogok próbálni mindabból, amit tanultunk.”
Az Osonó tizenhatodik Erasmus+ projektjére október 28- november 1. között került sor Budapesten. A Regionális összefogás az ifjúsági dolgozók szakmai támogatására elnevezésű projekt célja, hogy változatos, személyes és szakmai szempontból is értékes nemformális képzéssel támogassa az ifjúsági szakemberek és pedagógusok munkáját. Az innovatív nevelési módszerek átadásán túl, a program feltöltődést és szakmai kapcsolódási lehetőséget is biztosít a Magyarországról, Romániából és Szerbiából érkező résztvevők számára.
Partnerek: Vajdasági Magyar Művelődési Szövetség, Adrenalin Climbing Gym, Change Center Életmód Központ, Pontis Egészségügyi Szervezet, Svung Kreatív Egyesület
A projekt az Erasmus+ program támogatásával valósult meg!
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